Walking statues at Nirox Park


Ten Year Anniversary Celebration and Alumni Gathering

The African Leadership Institute is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Tutu Fellowship Programme.  Ten years is a good time to pause and reflect on how the programme has changed lives; consider its impact on the continent, and to look ahead to the next decade. The alumni gathering will take place at Nirox Sculpture Park near Johannesburg on 18-20 November 2016.

We have had a very good response to the 10-year celebration, and would like as many alumni as possible to join us for this unique celebratory occasion. We are anticipating at least 80 Tutu Fellows to attend.

The setting for the gathering is at the Cradle of Humankind, about an hour drive from the centre of Johannesburg in the beautiful, tranquil sculpture park, a perfect setting for reflection and innovation. It will be an amazing opportunity to meet other members of this exclusive network of Africa’s finest emerging leaders and share experiences and opportunities. Hopefully the weekend’s proceedings will stimulate you to even greater leadership achievements. The network is now some 250 strong, representing 32 different African countries.

After consultation with a large number of Tutu Fellows, the organising team have drafted a great agenda for the weekend around the theme of “Leadership, Consciousness and Change-Making”. The Tutu Fellows are central to the Agenda, and we will be calling upon a number of Tutu Fellows to share their inspirational change-making stories, views and paradigm-shifting thoughts, whilst others will facilitate discussion around challenges faced by emerging leaders, and the opportunities created. Others have ideas of how the network can become an effective platform for African transformation, which we will explore and develop.

However, we will not lose the opportunity afforded by these beautiful surroundings to allow time for reflection. A “consciousness” session is being organised, as well as yoga and a visit to the artists’ studio on site, whilst a lengthy picnic lunch on the lawns beside the lake with an orchestra playing in the amphitheatre will provide ample time for catching up, arguing and making new friends – as will the cocktail parties in the evenings – and the after-party on Saturday evening at Yswara, Swaady’s factory a short drive away.

We also have three renowned external key note speakers for the evenings, including Lee Berger, the world expert on “Naledi Man” whose ancient bones were discovered in a hidden cave in this area, and whose discovery reshaped thinking about the evolution of humankind.  It would not be a 10 year celebration without some input from the Archbishop. However, he is now very frail and will be unable to travel to our event, but we are exploring other ways in which his inspiration can be brought to the event.

For this special occasion we want to get as many of the 250 alumni together as possible. Please join us!



If you are attending - who to contact

Please register your participation by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.as soon as possible.



We have to ask participants for a contribution to the anticipated R5,000 per head cost of the event – catering, transport, other service providers, music, etc. To complete your registration, please could you pay your contribution towards the costs before the 20th September.  Each participant is required to pay a minimum of R1,500 (or £85), but if you can afford to contribute more we would be very grateful.

See Payment details at the end of this message on how to make your contribution.

We will have to make up the difference between your contribution and the actual cost through sponsorship, and if your company can sponsor a dinner or an aspect of the event, or if you can find sponsorship for the gathering through other connections we would be extremely grateful. Your help is needed. If you believe you can help with sponsorship please contact the organising team (Swaady Martin, Mokena Makeka, and Jackie Chimhanzi) or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



We have negotiated preferential rates with three hotels near the Nirox Park:

In order to get the most from the reunion, and recognising that dinner and parties could go on late into the evening, it would be preferable if everybody stayed in one of the nearby hotels even if you do live in Johannesburg. They are all great venues, and we will be organising a shuttle to pick people up to bring you to Nirox from the hotels.

Please make your reservation directly with the hotels, but please advise This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. of Makeka Designs of your booking, as they have taken some liability for the block booking numbers. When making the booking please should refer to the Tutu Fellowship Programme to get your discount, or Makeka Designs if that fails to register.


How to Pay

If you are paying in Rands, please pay your contribution directly into our South African account, and reference your Name with the payment. To obtain the South African bank account details, please email AFLI and we'll send it to you. After payment, please send the proof of payment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

If you are not paying in Rands, please pay using the PayPal button here on the African Leadership Institute website. This pays into our Sterling account, so to avoid double exchange rate payments, please make the payment in £ sterling.

As stated above, the minimum contribution is R1,500 or £85, but we will be very pleased if you contribute more. Please make your payment by the deadline of 20th September.


An exciting agenda driven by Tutu Fellows has been crafted for the Alumni Celebration on 18-20 November. Although we have three high-profile external speakers during the three days' activities, most of the talks will be delivered by Fellows, and the discussion topics will also be facilitated by Fellows. Considerable time has also been set aside for informal networking and discussion, so that the family of Tutu Fellows from across the continent and from different classes can get to know each other better. On the Sunday we will also be exploring the topic of "Change-Making as a Network", and the 2016 Class have some specific ideas they would like to share on this topic.

It is designed as a time for reflection, for sharing thoughts and challenges with your peers, sharing and listening to inspiring stories, renewing friendships and making new ones.

Theme: Leadership, Consciousness and Change-Making

Programme of Events

Programme director & MC: Dr. Terence Sibiya, 2007 Fellow, Swaziland.

Friday 18 November 2016:

16h00: Guests and sponsors of the event arrive at the Nirox Sculpture Park.  Ice-tea station to be sponsored by Yswara | Curator of precious African teas. Yswara was founded by Swaady Martin, 2012 Fellow.
16h30–18h00: Welcome address introducing the programe; aims of the weekend; and the future of the Institute - by Sean Lance and Peter Wilson, AFLI Co-founders.
AFLI over the years: A retrospective view - by Lord David Hacking, AFLI UK Board Member
Building on the foundation of a successful 10 years: Realising the potential - by Dr. Jackie Chimhanzi, AFLI CEO and 2010 Fellow, Zimbabwe; and, Nuradin Osman, 2013 Fellow & Sponsor.
18h00-19h00: Cocktails with the Sponsor, Investec, and networking.
19h00-19h30: Up close and personal with an African CEO of a global company: Leading through a crisis - lessons from Marikana - By Ben Magara, CEO Lonmin Plc, the world's 3rd largest platinum mining company.
19h30-21h30: Dinner is served. During dinner, world renowned anthropologist, Professor Lee Burger will discuss the significance of the Cradle of Humankind as the chosen setting for the gathering and set some context to the weekend. In 2015, Lee discovered a new species of early humans named Homo Naledi not far from Nirox Sculpture Park. Download the Menu.
21:30-late: Nightcaps and networking.

"I look to you to be the generation that drives the transformation of Africa, and I, particularly, look to the Archbishop Tutu Fellows to be at the forefront of change."

-    Archbishop Tutu, AFLI Patron -

Saturday 19 November 2016:

06h30-08h00: Yoga at Nirox (optional) - By Dize Watson, Iyengar Yoga Instructor
08h00-09h00: Breakfast at Nirox.
09h00–10h00: Facilitated Discussion with all Fellows: Politics and the Tutu Fellows: A fatal or fertile attraction? with questions such as: Can meaningful change on the African continent only be effected from “the centre?”  The centre is defined here as the political arena.  If so, is that political space at the centre, given, negotiated or taken?  How do we ensure more Tutu Fellows at the centre?  If we are on the periphery and not at the centre - how do we raise our voices in a way that can be heard and makes a difference? How do we influence decision-making at the centre? Faciltated by Julie Gichuru, 2012 Fellow, Kenya. She is a media personality and host of the African Leadership Dialogues TV show, which was her Tutu Programme project.
10h00-11h15: A GlaxoSmithKline dialogue: Healthcare in Africa. Keynote by Dr Rudy Onia, GSK Area Medical Director for Africa and Developing Countries. This will be followed by two health-related TED-style talks: Bright Simons, 2010 Fellow, Ghana on: How mPedigree is saving lives; and, Dr. Tariro Makadzange, 2007 Fellow, Zimbabwe, on: Tackling the challenges of HIV in Zimbabwe.
11h15–11h30: Video on Scenarios of the future of Africa (15 minutes). Produced by a 2016 Tutu Fellows Group.
: Consciousness in leadership - by Rachel Adams, 2011 Fellow, Zimbabwe. Founder Narachi Leadership.
12h30-13h15: Consciousness walk around Nirox Park - with Rachel Adams.
13h15–15h15:  A long, lazy picnic lunch. (All to attend, please.) Download the menu.
15h15-15h30: How do you as Tutu Fellows project yourself to the outside world? By Mimi Kalinda. MD & Co-Founder, AfriCommunications Group.  Mimi is a PR & Communications expert working with the AfDB and the Next Einstein Initiative of the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences.
: TED-style talks by two Tutu Fellows:

  • Saving South Sudan: Leadership in an environment of high political risk - Peter Ajak, 2016 Fellow, South Sudan.
  • Political activism - Tshepo Dishego, 2016 Fellow, South Africa.

16h30-17h30: Breakaway facilitated discussions. Lead Discussants will open the discussion with their positions and will also summarise the key points made at the end. Options:

  • Innovating past our current selves as young African leaders. The way things work, currently, will not help the continent to succeed.  “We are decades too late for leading by looking in the rear-view mirror” (Kornik, J, 2016) and, “we are trailing behind in pursuit of options” (Karuri-Sebina, G, 2016). In light of this context, how do we, as young leaders, break with the present and develop new frameworks and, more importantly, rally a critical mass to sustain those new innovative approaches?  Lead Discussants: Dr Geci Karuri-Sebina, 2009 Fellow, Kenya; and, Jon Kornik, 2016, South Africa. Moderator: Uduak Amimo, TV host and international moderator, 2015 Fellow, Kenya.
  • Presidential term limits and travel visas in Africa: Barriers to our development? Presidential term limits are supposed to refresh African governments. Do they? Visas control the flow of goods, ideas, and human energy across Africa.  Are they always bad?  Should we be completely visa-less? Lead Discussants: Ronke Onadeko, 2006 Fellow, Nigeria; Eunice Ajambo, 2008 Fellow, Uganda; and, Kwaku Isaac Fokou, 2014 Fellow, Ghana. Moderator: Edwin Macharia, 2010 Fellow, Kenya.
  • A new world order: Lessons for Africa from Brexit and Trump. As the wave of citizens voting in an anti-establishment way continues, we are witnessing the protest of the “ordinary” man against the “self-serving” elite.  As Britain exits the EU and the US votes for more isolationist, protectionist, inward-looking policies, what does this mean for African politics, the AU, and the African regional integration agenda going forward?  What are the key take-outs for us, as young African leaders? Lead Discussants: Mokena Makeka, 2014 Fellow, Lesotho; Lorna Irungu-Macharia, 2010 Fellow, Kenya; and, Paul Kapelus, 2008 Fellow South Africa.  Moderator: Mucha Mkanganwi, 2011 Fellow, Zimbabwe.

17h30-18h00: Free time and networking.
18h00-18h30: Drinks and networking.
18h30-18h50: South Africa on the brink? Cheryl Carolus – A South African struggle icon/activist and part of the Save South Africa campaign.  She is a business leader and co-founder of Peotona Holdings, a women’s investment company.
18h50-19h00: Video presentation. Excerpts of Tutu's Children, the 2012 Tutu Fellows as captured by Al Jazeera.
19h00-19h05: A tribute to Peter Wilson and Sean Lance, AFLI Founders.  Recital of the poem: Others Like We, by Neema Ndunguru, 2016 Fellow, Tanzania.
19h05-19h30: TED-style talk: How the Private Sector is Transforming Africa - by Kwabena Osei-Boateng, 2013 Fellow, Ghana. 
20h00-20h30: Gala dinner with Barclays keynote speaker.  Download the Menu. Followed by TED-style talk: My contribution to Industrialising Africa, by Ally Angula, 2013 Fellow, Namibia.
22h00-late: Tutu Fellows party at Yswara factory, with DJ Lewy the 15th.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
-    African Proverb -

Sunday, 20 November 2016:

0700–08h00:  Breakfast at hotels.
08h00-09h30:  A studio visit of Nirox Artists-in-Residence (optional) or Meditation in the park (optional) or networking. Artists in residence are Pelagie Gbaguidi from Benin/Belgium and Mia Chaplin from South Africa
09h30–12h30: Tutu Fellows Network Initiatives - Change-Making as a Network:

  • 2016 Class Proposals - Andre Ross, 2016 Fellow, South Africa, and Bame Pule, 2016 Fellow, Botswana
  • An AFLI Partnership with key African institutions, the AU and the AfDB: How would it be structured and to what end? – Janah Ncube 2006 Fellow, and James Mwangi 2009 Fellow, both of Kenya.
  • The Preferred Mode of Engagement for Engaging the Fellows – Jackie Chimhanzi, AFLI CEO.

12h30: Farewell and end of program.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.

-    Margaret Mead -

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About AFLI



The African Leadership Institute (AFLI) focuses on building the capacity and capability of visionary and strategic leadership across the continent. Developing exceptional leaders representing all spheres of society, the Institute’s flagship programme is the prestigious Archbishop Tutu Leadership Fellowship. Offering a multifaceted learning experience and run in partnership with Oxford University, it is awarded annually to 20-25 carefully chosen candidates, nominated from across Africa. Alumni of the African Leadership Institute form a dynamic network of Fellows passionately committed to the continent’s transformation, bridging the divide between nations and ensuring that Africa is set centre-stage in global affairs.