The 2016 class of Tutu Fellows offered a vote of thanks to the leadership of the African Leadership Institute at the farewell dinner at Lord Hacking's house. It follows:

Two quotations mark the point of departure for this vote of thanks.

  • On our first day in Mont Fleur, Stellenbosch, in South Africa, Peter Wilson said: “This is more than just a programme. This is a learning opportunity”.
  • During the day spent at the Investec offices in London on the last day of the Programme, in speaking about the importance of enjoying the work you do, Ciaran Whelan – Investec Global Head of Private Banking, said: “Life is too short to have another bad day.”

Of this short life, the 2016 Tutu Fellows had an opportunity to spend 20 inspiring and insightful days together that have transformed our view of our role in life.  We have had a chance to meet others who have a heart for our continent.  A short poem titled: “Others Like We” reads as follows:

Others Like We

There are others like me
The me I am, the me I want to be
The angry, the anxious, the hopeful,
Like me.

There are others like me
The me I am, the me I want to be
The doubtful, the daring, the dreamer,
Like me.

There are others like me
The me I am, the me I want to be
The fallen, the rising, the learning,
Like me.

There are others like me
Humans like me
The Jason, Peter, Victoria and Sue,
Nhlanhla, Sureka, Cumesh and Succes.
The Nike, Emile, Chris and Amanda,
Dorothy, Jon, Rinos and Moutsa.
The Bame, Wiebe, Tshepo and Andre,
Neema, Raqiya…and even Sadiq!

This is us. This is we.
The leaders in we.
The we we want to be.

We leave with a sense of responsibility and, dare we say, an obligation to identify and support others like we. The diversity and the beauty that is a reflection of the African continent.

Peter, Sean and the AFLI team – you did not have to dedicate your time to this. But you cared enough to do so. Not once, not twice, but eleven times and still going strong. For that, we thank you.  

Words alone cannot express our gratitude, but actions can. During his talk to the Fellows in London, Lord Chris Patten - the Chancellor of the University of Oxford, said: “We may not individually be able to change the world order. But we can change the order of our individual worlds”.

That is our gratitude:
Leaving this space. Going out into the world.
Doing better because we know better.
Dedicating our lives to making this short life filled with better days for all those around us. 

Poem by Neema Ndunguru


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About AFLI



The African Leadership Institute (AFLI) focuses on building the capacity and capability of visionary and strategic leadership across the continent. Developing exceptional leaders representing all spheres of society, the Institute’s flagship programme is the prestigious Archbishop Tutu Leadership Fellowship. Offering a multifaceted learning experience and run in partnership with Oxford University, it is awarded annually to 20-25 carefully chosen candidates, nominated from across Africa. Alumni of the African Leadership Institute form a dynamic network of Fellows passionately committed to the continent’s transformation, bridging the divide between nations and ensuring that Africa is set centre-stage in global affairs.