2010 Tutu Fellow Bright Simons has been appointed to the Board of Directors of Salzburg Global Seminar. He will play a role in helping with their programs and business practices.  His appointment began in March 2021.

Commenting on his appointment, Bright said that “few organizations in the world today are as committed to the ideals of global public diplomacy as Salzburg Global Seminar.”
Victoria Mars, the Chairperson of the organisation, expressed her approval by saying: “we are thrilled to welcome Bright Simons to our Board of Directors. He represents a new generation of African entrepreneurs supporting social good through sustainable enterprise. As a Salzburg Global Fellow, Bright personifies our mission in motion: ‘Challenge current and future leaders to shape a better world.’

She said that Bright will help guide Salzburg's engagement across the African continent and support the next generation of innovators and social entrepreneurs. 

Salzburg Global Seminar is an independent non-profit organization founded in 1947. It says its mission is to challenge current and future leaders to shape a better world. It offers a multi-year program series with the aim to bridge divides, expand collaboration and transform systems. Salzburg Global convenes outstanding talent across generations, cultures and sectors, fostering networks and partnerships for creative, just and sustainable change.

Bright is the president of mPedigree and outside of that, serves as the honorary vice president at IMANI and is a member of the external advisory board of European biopharma company, UCB, and the Advisory Council of Ashesi University.

His recent commitments include membership in the inaugural Microsoft Africa Advisory Council, the Lancet Commission on the Future of Health in Africa, the Center for Global Development’s Study Group on Technology, the World Economic Forum’s Africa Strategy Group, the inaugural Ashoka Globalizer initiative, the Africa Population Health Research Center, Care International, and IC Publications, owner of the New African magazine.

You can read more about Bright's appointment at the Salzburg Global Seminar's website.

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The African Leadership Institute (AFLI) focuses on building the capacity and capability of visionary and strategic leadership across the continent. Developing exceptional leaders representing all spheres of society, the Institute’s flagship programme is the prestigious Archbishop Tutu Leadership Fellowship. Offering a multifaceted learning experience and run in partnership with Oxford University, it is awarded annually to 20-25 carefully chosen candidates, nominated from across Africa. Alumni of the African Leadership Institute form a dynamic network of Fellows passionately committed to the continent’s transformation, bridging the divide between nations and ensuring that Africa is set centre-stage in global affairs.