The African Leadership Institute will have a new Chief Executive Officer starting 1 October 2016.  The Board of the African Leadership Institute in South Africa has appointed Dr. Jacqueline Chimhanzi as CEO. Jackie Chimhanzi is a 2010 Tutu Fellow and has been a member of AFLI's Board for several years. Her involvement at Board level and being a Tutu Leadership Fellow enables her to enter the post with considerable knowledge and understanding of the various dimensions of the job.


Dr Jackie ChimhanziDr. Chimhanzi brings expertise in strategic leadership and continent-wide respect for her understanding of the development issues Africa faces. I echo the sentiments of the board when I say "AFLI is indeed fortunate to have someone of Jackie’s capability take over the reins of leadership of the Institute." "For the first 6 months we will work closely together and after that transition, I will reduce my involvement in the management of the Institute while continuing to manage the Tutu Leadership Fellowship."

Dr. Chimhanzi is currently the Senior Strategist at the Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa (IDC), a leading African development finance institution.  Prior to IDC, she was lead at the Africa Desk with Deloitte South Africa where she assisted companies to access opportunities across Africa in various sectors. And before that, she was a Manager in the Deloitte Consulting Strategy unit leading client engagements in power, oil and gas, steel, breweries and agriculture.

In 2012, she was recognised by Forbes Africa magazine as one of the 20 Youngest Power Women in Africa who are shaping the narrative of Africa’s rising.  She is a keen Africa-watcher and has spoken and chaired panel discussions at eminent Africa-focused forums convened by the African Development Bank; the World Economic Forum Africa; the Rockefeller Foundation; AGRA; Brand Africa; the New York Forum on Africa; and, the EU Parliament.  She has authored a number of Africa-focused thought leadership pieces as well as a chapter on African regional integration in the book, “Africans Investing in Africa" launched at the World Economic Forum Africa in June 2015.  

Dr. Chimhanzi is a member of the Southern African Institute of Directors (IoDSA) and serves on ONE’s Africa Policy Advisory Board and the GIBS (the Gordon Institute of Business Science) Advisory Board.

She holds a BSc (Hons), MBA (with Distinction) and a PhD (Strategic Marketing) - all from Cardiff Business School, UK.  She has authored and co-authored papers in peer-reviewed academic journals such as the Journal of Business Research [US]; the European Journal of Marketing and Journal of Marketing Management [UK]; and has presented her work internationally.  Her PhD research focused on enhancing companies’ strategy execution capabilities.

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About AFLI



The African Leadership Institute (AFLI) focuses on building the capacity and capability of visionary and strategic leadership across the continent. Developing exceptional leaders representing all spheres of society, the Institute’s flagship programme is the prestigious Archbishop Tutu Leadership Fellowship. Offering a multifaceted learning experience and run in partnership with Oxford University, it is awarded annually to 20-25 carefully chosen candidates, nominated from across Africa. Alumni of the African Leadership Institute form a dynamic network of Fellows passionately committed to the continent’s transformation, bridging the divide between nations and ensuring that Africa is set centre-stage in global affairs.