2018 Tutu Fellow Adebola Williams has launched the Beating Corona website. This comprehensive and accessible directory website details information on what organizations, brands, groups, corporations, and individuals are doing to assist in the fight against Covid-19 in Nigeria.

Through the website you can access information according to region, resources and organisations and centres distributing resources as well as up to date information on interventions and donations nationwide. The directory site provides a way to narrow down a search for items if you are in need, or how to donate if you want to help. It also provides short snippets of information and links, for example funding released by the Central Bank in stimulus packages to support households, small businesses, etc. 

It is broken up into sections that include Interventions, Medical Needs, Insights (news), and Enterprise.  Interventions breaks down organisations that have made donations to fight the coronavirus pandemic and where that donation is being used.  Medical Needs provides a space to equip Covid-19 treatment and isolation centres in Nigeria.  And the Enterprise section is a space for funders, investors, non-profit organisations, or corporate brands to streamline efforts and improve the success of their interventions and social investments.

Beating Corona was established by The Future Project in partnership with YNaija and Culture Intelligence.  It seeks to gather data of all COVID-19 interventions. Naija Relief Base is collaborating with BeatingCorona to provide information on Lagos based interventions.

Visit the site at Beating Corona.



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The African Leadership Institute (AFLI) focuses on building the capacity and capability of visionary and strategic leadership across the continent. Developing exceptional leaders representing all spheres of society, the Institute’s flagship programme is the prestigious Archbishop Tutu Leadership Fellowship. Offering a multifaceted learning experience and run in partnership with Oxford University, it is awarded annually to 20-25 carefully chosen candidates, nominated from across Africa. Alumni of the African Leadership Institute form a dynamic network of Fellows passionately committed to the continent’s transformation, bridging the divide between nations and ensuring that Africa is set centre-stage in global affairs.