Archbishop Tutu Fellowship Certificates were awarded to the 2018 Tutu Fellows at an exuberant celebratory event kindly hosted by Lord Hacking at his home in London at the end of an intensive but very rewarding 10-day workshop at Oxford University and in London. Old favourites continued to be amongst the highlights of the week – conducting choristers in Exeter College chapel, Eddie Obeng’s aliens, good kings/queens, warriors and medicine women in Mythodrama’s Henry V, cooking lunch with Caryn and Ros, dining in the House of Lords after a personal conducted tour of the Houses of Parliament, and Andrew Feinstein’s amazing stories of corruption in the global arms trade.

Said Business School once again provided expert speakers on leadership, including world renowned academics Sir Paul Collier, Prof Ngaire Woods, and mathematician/philosopher Prof John Lennox.

Some new events and speakers were tried this year, some successful, some less so, but we continue to experiment to refresh the programme content. We successfully introduced a session on communications facilitated by three brilliant actors, whilst Martin Kalungu-Banda returned to enthral the group with his brilliant talk, and the Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, Baroness Scotland, again inspired the Tutu Fellows after a gap of several years when we could not find space in her crowded diary.

The Fellows themselves impressed as usual with their vibrant and informed interactions with the speakers, but they particularly impressed the expert panel that critiqued their scenario presentations at Rhodes House, as each of the three syndicate groups had put together amazing audio-visual presentations of The Future of Africa Scenarios. The quality of the work done on the scenario projects and the professionalism of the audio-visual output contained very powerful messages on the future development of the continent and for the environment within which the Tutu Fellows will be stepping up to lead.

The community projects that the Fellows have started are also impressive, including a couple of really noteworthy and ambitious initiatives. One is by Caroline Mbabazi, which involves the planting over a million trees. As part of her community project, actress and director Omoni Oboli screened the world premiere of her new hard-hitting film about child brides, which she had just completed prior to the workshop, and which has the potential to open the world’s eyes to this terrible practice.

As the 2018 Tutu Fellowship programme ends, so we will soon be starting the cycle again and seeking nominations for the 2019 Tutu Fellowship.

The gallery is from various locations at which the workshop took place.

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The African Leadership Institute (AFLI) focuses on building the capacity and capability of visionary and strategic leadership across the continent. Developing exceptional leaders representing all spheres of society, the Institute’s flagship programme is the prestigious Archbishop Tutu Leadership Fellowship. Offering a multifaceted learning experience and run in partnership with Oxford University, it is awarded annually to 20-25 carefully chosen candidates, nominated from across Africa. Alumni of the African Leadership Institute form a dynamic network of Fellows passionately committed to the continent’s transformation, bridging the divide between nations and ensuring that Africa is set centre-stage in global affairs.